alt="Single rose leaf with five leaflets arranged in a fan pattern, showing gradual colour transition from dark brown to olive green, set against a pink background

My Studies

‘Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back.’

-John O’Donohue, Anam Cara

I am currently undertaking a three-year research and training programme, Ecologies of the Imagination, with the Anima Mundi School in the Netherlands. This centre is devoted to the study of the Feminine and the World Soul, rooted in the psychology of Carl G. Jung. My studies have a special emphasis on dreamwork and ancestral storytelling.

Delicate branch with coral pink rose buds and blooms in varying stages of opening, set against a deep green background

Below are my studies that I draw on most for this work:

Academic Studies:

Holistic Studies:

Two elegant purple wildflower stems with blooms and buds against a dark green background, positioned beside text about creative contribution

As a creative, I deeply desire to contribute to our wider global community through my work and in other ways:

I currently volunteer my time on the Board of Directors of Development Perspectives, an award-winning organisation whose mission is to contribute to reducing poverty, inequality and climate change through transformative education and active global citizenship.