A silver apple

The Silver Apple

Discovering your creative magic

‘And walk among long dappled grass,

And pluck till time and times are done,

The silver apples of the moon,

The golden apples of the sun.’

William Butler Yeats

The Symbol of the Apple

Many of us grew up with mixed symbolism around the apple, from a (misinterpreted) forbidden fruit to “an apple a day” for health and vitality.

When we look to the ancestors of this land, the humble apple is reclaimed as a life-giving symbol of the fertility of our imaginal world, and of magic. One of the names for the Otherworld in Irish mythology is Emain Ablach, the ‘Region of Apples’, a mystical island filled with enchanted apple trees. We see this in later Arthurian Legend, with Avalon as the sacred ‘Isle of Apples’, which holds the grail, an offering of reciprocal relationship with the Otherworld if we are willing to believe in the unseen realms. Emain Ablach and Avalon are places of rebirth; disenchanted parts of us go there to die so that new soulful parts can be born.

In Irish mythology, a silver branch bearing silver or golden apples appears as an invitation to journey to the Otherworld, often accompanied by an enchanted fairy woman whose music stirs the mystical within us so that we answer the Call.

The boon of this silver branch is its sustenance. This apple will replenish itself over and over no matter how much it is consumed—once it is consumed in the spirit of reciprocity—a principle that is at the drumming beat of our mythology and folklore. If genuine of creative heart, the Otherworld will never let you go hungry.

Inspired by The Silver Apple, this programme is about deepening your relationship with the Celtic Otherworld and inviting this ancestral wisdom into your life to enrich your creativity, well-being and belonging—a place where you will tend to your own silver apple tree and watch it burst into bloom.

‘What is so strange is that before we sought it, the Grail sought us. Also, before we sought it, the Silver Branch sought us. We are being sought. But, given the noisesphere of our own creation that we live in, we are making it almost infinitely difficult to be found.’


“Jen’s diverse life experiences, academic and research grounding, along with her experience as an embodiment coach gives her work an authenticity, depth, breadth and flexibility that is rare”.

Irene Sullivan, Visual Artist

“It was like a tidal wave of downloads were finally released. The visions and messages I received through working with Jen continue to be fruitful. Jen holds space like an ancient wise woman, which I suspect she is at the soul level”.

Kimothy Joy, Author & Artist

YOUR Silver Apple 

What are you seeking?

What is seeking you?

This work is for you if you sense creative treasures within you yet to be discovered. This work will help you to create your own map to these riches and in doing so gift you with the boon of the Celtic Otherworld—a natural and abundant source of creativity and belonging.

I am no artist in the traditional sense but as part of this work, I make my inner-world material, as you will do in this programme. The image above to the left is of The Silver Branch of Perception, which I fashioned from a hawthorn branch that was gifted to me. The symbols to the right, I created at a Jungian conference on liminality. What I saw beyond my red door as an image of my soul was Emain Ablach, the mystical island of apples, which also inspired the image I created at the top of this page.

‘When women work on reclaiming the lost part of themselves, they're also working on reclaiming the lost soul of the culture as well.’


The Silver Apple is a four-month container that combines one-to-one mentoring with a cutting-edge curriculum. Here, you will get to reenchant with:

Your Mythology

Your Body

Your Calling

Golden apple on The Celtic Creatives

Your Curriculum

Enchantment Cycle 1: Your Mythology

  • Creative themes include: Leaving the Father’s House, In Search of the Great Mother, The Destruction of the Great Mother, Irish Mother Goddesses, and The Bones of Irish Mythology.

  • Creative themes include: The Cup of Sovereignty, The Wedding Feast of Kingship, Irish Sovereignty Goddesses & Kings, and Celtic Woman’s Call—Sovereignty Goddess & King.

  • Creative themes include: Reciprocity with the Celtic Otherworld, The Magic of Word, Permission to be Magic, and Island of Goddesses.

Enchantment Cycle 2: Your Body

  • Creative themes include: Under the Shapeshifting Moon, Rescuing Your Sealskin, Your Magnetic Skin, and Creative Polarity Map.

  • Creative themes include: Celtic Calendar Wisdom, Beginning your Day at Sunset, Cyclic Wisdom Toolkit, and Creative Project Management with the Celtic Calendar.

  • Creative themes include: Meet the Spirit of Your Business or Craft, Four Bodies of Self-Care, Spiral To-Do List, and Your Enchanted Workplace.

Enchantment Cycle 3: Your Calling

  • Creative themes include: Three Cauldrons of Calling, Deichtire’s Call from the Otherworld, Desire-full Boundaries, and Celtic Woman’s Call—Boundaries.

  • Creative themes include: The Witch Wound & Women’s Wealth, Money Stories, Celtic Woman’s Call—Silver, and My Creative Values.

  • Full course Revision Quest.


The Silver Apple is a potent brew of one-to-one mentoring and a guided course of study over four moon cycles.



Upon booking, you will be asked to complete an activating questionnaire, which will serve to enrich this experience for you. You will have a 1-hour 30-minute initiation session with me. This will involve embodied goal setting, so you feel anchored in your Silver Apple experience and clarity around what you desire from it.


As we navigate your curriculum in partnership, you will have 4 x 1 hour crystallise and magnetise sessions.

Here, you will crystallise your apprenticeship to your vision for your life at this time—and from this place, magnetise your desires.


Following a month of integration within the curriculum, we will have a final 1-hour integration session to ensure you feel supported at the end of our container.


For the 4 months, you will have unlimited private voice-messaging access to me for questions, reflections, wonders, that arise for you as you navigate this experience. You will feel fully supported.


You will receive access to your own private learning portal. For each of your enchantment cycles, you will receive your study toolkit. This means you do not have to worry about your schedule or time zone to make live calls, except, of course, for your one-to-one mentoring ♡. I will prepare everything for you as we go.

Celtic Soul Reading

I absolutely love to give gifts to my clients! Because the energy of The Silver Apple is so immense (in a beautiful way), I desire to gift you something that will be with you for life—an experience.

And so, once our container begins, you will have a Celtic Soul Reading with the wondrous, Regina de Búrca who is an Irish writer, editor, Creativity Coach, and Tarot reader. Regina was raised in an antique bookshop in the west of Ireland, where her fascination with the Irish language and mythology began. She was 17 when Stuart Kaplan of US Games gifted her a deck of Tarot cards and almost 30 years of Tarot reading later, Regina produced the first Irish language version of the Rider Waite Tarot deck.

Regina has done specialist research into 'The Creideamh Sí (Fairy Faith) and the Rider Waite Tarot'. Here, she explored the Irish fairy lore that inspired the art of Pamela Colman Smith (pictured below) in the Rider Waite Tarot deck (1909), taking a look at the beliefs held by herself and her fellow Order of the Golden Dawn members, A.E. Waite and W.B. Yeats that strongly influenced the deck.

In Summary…


  • A four-month transformational creative container

  • In-depth and flexible curriculum to meet your creative needs

  • 1 x 1-hour 30-minute initiation session

  • 5 x 1-hour one-to-one Celtic Creatives mentoring sessions

  • 1 x 1-hour integration session

  • Ongoing one-to-one voice messaging so you can always connect with me

  • Your own private interactive learning portal where you share your module work with me. You will have access to for a further six months after our container ends

  • Celtic Soul Reading with Regina de Búrca

  • You will also receive a 6-month bonus complimentary membership to The Celtic Creatives community on Substack


An elixir of:

  • Creative mentoring

  • Celtic Mythology and folklore rooted in the Irish tradition, interwoven with critical teachings for life in our times

  • Explorations with your body using feminine embodiment tools and somatic practices

  • Working with your mythic imagination and personal poiesis

  • Tending to your night dreams and recording synchronicity

  • Creative ritual and deep self-inquiry


  • One-to-one Celtic Creatives mentoring

  • Private portal of teachings (includes downloadable resources for lifetime access)

“Jen's work is a living being, an enchanted place and a work of art all in one; woven together to support and surround you with love and possibility”. 

Shannon Mahoney, Immersive Theatre Artist & Creative Coach

“The stories, archetypes and connection to this land and my ancestors will forever be with me, shining a light to keep guiding me along this meaningful and energetic path. What Jen has created is pure draíocht [magic] that I adore being part of”.

Siobhán Shiels, Composer & Performer


The full investment for The Silver Apple is €1950 with multiple payment plans available.

Next Steps

Please complete the application form below and I will come back to you very soon.

‘Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered...’

- Clarissa Pinkola EStés, women who run with the wolves