A Powerful Question I Asked Myself
‘Mer-Unicorn’ by Susan Seddon Boulet
“What if I believed that I was created in the image of the divine feminine?”
This is the powerful question I asked myself. Let me tell you why.
From early childhood, it was explained to me that I was created in the image of God - in the image of the divine masculine.
I never felt this to be true in my body because many of those who claimed to be the gatekeepers of this image in Catholic Ireland also told me that by virtue of being female, I was less than. I was worse than less than, I was intentional because I was a sinner.
These same gatekeepers sent my older sister to ‘limbo’ after to quote former president, Mary McAleese, she was “buried in oppressed silence between dusk and dawn” in a collective grave. These same gatekeepers fated that my brother be born in a mother and baby home.
And so, intuitively from my late teens, I disconnected from the divine because I could not see myself in this image.
‘The Journey Home’ by Susan Seddon Boulet
Between then and now, I’ve followed a long road home, a proportion of it unbeknownst to myself at the time but still, guided by my unconscious, my dreamworld, mythical and human ancestors and finally, by my body.
Today, I wonder, well what if I had been told as a child that I was created in the image of the divine feminine? In the image of the Great Mother? In the image of the Goddess?
When I first asked myself this question, I cried in deep sorrow and relief. Because of recognition. Because I could finally see myself in this image.
I felt liberated.
And so, I’ve been exploring many questions around this, a few of which I share with you to explore yourself if you feel this call:
What if you believed you were created in the image of the divine feminine, the Great Mother, the Goddess?
What does this possibility invite you to feel in your body?
Who would this give you permission to be?
What would this give you permission to do in your life?
I am forever finding new meaning in this quote from Marion Woodman, it feels pertinent here:
“Only by discovering and loving the goddess lost within our rejected body can we hear our own authentic voice.”
For we are finding her. She is finding us.
‘Changing Woman’ by Susan Seddon Boulet
I will leave this blog here as I chant:
“I am created in the image of the Divine Feminine.”
“I am created in the image of the Great Mother.”
“I am created in the image of the Goddess.”