The Celtic Creatives

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Song of the Banshee

Exclusive Self-Guided Experience

Amhrán Na Bean Sídhe

Reclaim the power of your feminine voice

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We believe that…

+You were born with a life’s calling, with a unique message for our collective that only you can share with your voice, your expression 

+Working with the archetypal energy of the Otherworld, the Collective Unconscious, the quantum field, can help you discover and fuel this message 

+Your voice has its own ‘spirit’ or energy that you can co-create with

+Your voice is not only expressed from your head. You can power your voice from your pelvic bowl, your cauldron of creativity, your sacred place of deep-rooted intuition and knowing. Throat and womb develop side by side in utero

+As shown to us in Irish mythology, we must use our voices in the process of collective healing 

“In many parts of the world, women have historically been seen as the weavers of memory — those who keep alive the voices of the past and the histories of the communities, who transmit them to the future generations and, in so doing, create a collective identity and profound sense of cohesion.”

Silvia Federici, Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women

The Banshee

Banshee is an anglicisation of the Gaeilge/Irish words, Bean meaning ‘woman’, and Sídhe meaning of the hallow hills, fairy mounds or Otherworldly dwelling. Banshee essentially means ‘woman of the Otherworld', or fairywoman. 

She appears in many guises throughout time but her role is to use her voice—her sacred keen—to prophesise death in the community consciousness. 

A descendant of the Goddesses of Ireland, the Banshee’s song came to be feared. 

Just like the feminine voice within us all - a voice that because of fear has been subjugated by patriarchal forces to such an effect, that as women, we are afraid of our own voices. 

“When it comes to silencing women, Western culture has had thousands of years of practice.”

Mary Beard, Women & Power: A Manifesto

We have been taught that:

+ The voice of the feminine is not as authoritative or legitimate as the masculine expression - therefore less trustworthy

+The voice of the feminine is a tolerated intruder or in the extreme, has no place in the public sphere

+Expressing our voices will put us at risk. It is dangerous for us to speak our truth

+The production of women’s own knowledge expressed through our words is ‘gossip’ 

+The voice of truth comes only from our heads 

This is compounded by millennia of forced silencing and of our voices, our stories, being told on our behalf.

“When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.”

Audre Lorde

La Belle Dame Sans Merci, ‘The Banshee’, by Henry Meynell Rheam c.1897

We are here to co-create with the archetypal energy of the Banshee, the woman of the Otherworld; to reclaim the POWER of the feminine voice and its critical role in our individual and collective healing. 

That is what this self-guided experience is here for. 

And you are invited. 

Your Experience

This is for you if you are:

  • Ready to connect to your mythical lineage, to the voice of your ancestors

  • Ready to break free from the past and the knots that have silenced you

  • Ready to own your power as a Creatrix and spell-caster with your words

  • Ready to find your unique soul song and the spirit of your voice

  • Ready to set yourself free

The potent brew you will receive:

  • Expression of your sacred voice through a guided keening practice. Welcoming in both grief and love

  • Creative contemplation on the Banshee through mythical art and journalling

  • Teachings from Irish mythology and lore on the Banshee

  • Ritual, active imagination and journeying processes to meet the Spirit of Your Voice 

  • Invocations in Gaeilge (the Irish language) and English to invoke the spirit of your voice daily

  • The gift of not one, but two experienced and dynamic feminine leaders in Sarah and Jen, who are deeply committed to their respective crafts and to your sacred experience 

Delivered through:

  • 2.5 hours of ceremony and teaching video content

  • Downloadable guided PDFs for your Spirit of Your Voice ritual and Glór, Voice invocations

  • Downloadable guided audio tracks for your Spirit of Your Voice ritual and Glór, Voice invocations

  • Journalling prompts

  • Additional recommended resources

  • Song of the Banshee playlist

Meet SARAh

I’m Sarah, Bean Ghluine (Midwife) and Bean Caointe (Keening woman) from Ireland. I have been holding sacred space for 12 years both with birthing mothers and also women birthing themselves through their spiritual rebirth or rites of passage. My passion is blending the two worlds of Medical and Mystical together in divine union. I like to play in the liminal space between birth and death, spirit and human to receive wisdom, healing and guidance for the women I hold space for.

I am an author of my upcoming book ‘Woman’ and the Creatrix of The Sacred Conception Method™, The Sacred Birth Method™ and a magical community of women for spirituality and healing, Sac-Red: The Mystery School. I hold sacred space through Irish Plant Medicine, Sacred Ceremonies, Irish and Global Retreats and Certified Apprenticeships. 

Meet Jen

I’m Jen, Creatrix of Celtic Embodiment, a cutting-edge modality that fuses the ancient wisdom of Celtic Mythology with the emerging field of Feminine Embodiment Coaching to transform modern life for women.

I am an award-winning Feminine Embodiment Coach and hold a degree in Medieval Irish & Celtic Studies and a B.A., postgrad. and M.A. in the Anthropology of Development with a specialism in critical pedagogy—passionate about how we reclaim our power as women in our own learning experiences. I also hold a third-level qualification in creativity and innovation for entrepreneurial educators.

I come from a lineage of storytellers and wisdom keepers on my maternal line and am fascinated by the natural coalescence between our ancestral myths and our bodies as a potent brew to step into our Sovereign Power, Sensual Enchantment, and our Becoming—who we are called to be in this life.

Sarah and Jen are soul sisters and anam cairde brought together to offer this sacred work. Their collaboration is divinely guided by the land and the Goddess. This is a fusion of both ancient wisdom and experience, for the modern, emerging woman.

Praise for this Work:

“Thank you Jen and Sarah for creating and holding space for this powerful portal. It was a beautiful journey full of emotions and deep remembrance. It is clear your work is deeply intertwined with spirit.


“The Song of the Banshee experience was so much more than I expected and exactly what I needed! The experience was immersive and so freeing. I was able to step out of my normal frame of mind that would hold back on expressing any "not so nice" emotions and free up my voice to be as loud and as expressive as I wanted! Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever felt quite as powerful as I did in the middle of this journey. The space was entirely safe and I felt incredibly held the whole time. Also keen to stay connected with the Banshee as I can now see she's a beautiful archetype to work with and honor!”


“I'd been eyeing Jen's offerings for a while and am so thankful I invested in the Banshee Self-Study Course. After doing some de-colonial work with another teacher I have been working to reconnect with my healed ancestors and their traditions. The Banshee Self-Study Course was especially potent in helping me form a deeper connection to the Spirit of my Voice. While what I discovered was not a surprise, this whole experience was very grounding, centering and healing. I know the wisdom I gained will guide me in powerful ways. Thank you. Highly recommend.”

-Kelsey, USA

“The Song of the Banshee was a deeply powerful immersion in claiming my mythopoetic roots that opened an awareness of grounding and empowerment in my work as an artist.”


The Washer at the Ford by Stephen Reid, c.1909

Enrol Today

The cost of this alchemical experience is €88.